I’ve never been one to respond to chain letters or silly email ‘forwards’ that guarantee me good luck. I don’t believe in all of that stuff.
But when the recent Facebook trend ("25 Random Things") reached me, I was excited to jump on board. Despite the fact that there was no promise of good luck, nor any threat of anything bad happening if I didn’t do it, I still did it. The difference? I wanted to do it.
I think in general, people want to talk about themselves
(ahem, why are there so many blogs out there?!) It’s a chance for you to say what you want, when you want. You pick the topic. You choose how personal, how silly, or how serious. That was part of the allure of the Facebook 25.
You get to pick the 25 random things to say and share. How personal, how silly, how deep, or how trivial. All up to you.
I had seen a bunch of my friends writing their 25 Random Facts and sharing, and it was great! But I didn’t realize just how quickly this was spreading and the true power of Facebook until I saw that
both the New York Times and Time magazine had written about this latest Facebook trend. And thanks to my friend Sherry for pointing out that the
Washington Post has done a great story on this as well...it's HILARIOUS!
And then I started looking through my blogs (via Google Reader, thank you very much), and
people are posting their Facebook 25 on their blogs! Yes! From two well known bloggers (
Chez Pim and
David Lebovitz) to many of the lesser known bloggers. It’s EVERYWHERE!
So what’s a wanna be well known blogger to do? Yup. Post my own Facebook 25 Random Things. So ladies and gentleman. If you don't want to know random things about me. Stop reading and consider this another reminder about the power of Facebook. It's no longer just that thing that Gen Y does...it's mainstream.
And for the rest of you out there (and let's be honest, we're all nosy, so I know you want to read!), here you go!!
My Facebook 25 Random Things:
1. I read cookbooks cover to cover, like a book. But when I cook, I don’t follow recipes.
2. I prefer salty to sweet.
3. I’m a hopeless romantic. Hopeless.
4. I love food. Eating, making food, watching food being made, and learning about new cuisines, ingredients, chefs, restaurants…I can go on and on. Food is my passion.
5. I have really amazing and supportive friends. I got lucky.
6. I’m not a fan of anything pickled. One of the only things I don’t like to eat. (Oh, and cilantro.)
7. I miss my mom every single day…not a day goes by without me thinking about her, thanking her and missing her.
8. I use to love talking on the phone. But now, I’m on it so much for work, that I almost never talk on the phone after work. I’m just tired of talking by then. (Can you believe that??)
9. Blogging has saved me. It’s been my diary, and a way to reflect and remember special moments, people and meals.
10. One of the most flattering moments ever was when someone repeated to me something I had written on my blog. He won major points. And that was the first time it hit me that people were reading.
11. I read about a billion magazines. Or at least skim through about a billion.
12. Books have gotten harder for me to get through, but the last one I couldn’t put down was “Devil in the Kitchen.”
13. I like drinking bourbon. A lot. Gin’s a favorite too. Then rum. Vodka and tequila are probably my last preference in terms of spirits.
14. Yes. I like fernet.
15. I’m obsessed…OBSESSED with ice cream making. It would be a dream to be at home mixing up new flavors every day.
16. I want children some day.
17. I have a hard time throwing away things.
18. Loved my time working in the NBA. Would never go back, but I loved it.
19. Sometimes I miss my days dabbling in politics. I studied Political Science and Community and Regional Development in college (Go Ags), and there are days when I miss being in that mix. (Go Obama!)
20. Dogs not cats please!
21. I wish I could travel around the world more. There are so many places and cultures I want to see and experience. (And food! Street food!)
22. I love my sister. She’s one of the funniest, most sarcastic people I know. And I love it. She is one of the people that knows me best in the world. We share lots of giggles, secrets and fears. I think it all goes back to the days when we were kids sharing a room.
23. I have a short attention span.
24. I don’t watch a lot of movies (maybe it’s that attention span thing?)
25. I can only fall asleep when it’s dark. And preferably quiet. No music, no noise.